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Contract: 0xd231c5012d2979d00aa6e24983c67e74459b3200

MeAI (MEAI) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on ARBITRUM Blockchain (ERC-20)

Deployed at

Sep-30-2024 09:20

Max Total Supply

100,000,000 MEAI

Circulating Supply

100,000,000 MEAI



Price and Market Stats

MEAI Liquidity: --/--
MEAI Price: --/--
Market Cap: --/--
Trading Volume 24h: --/--
Volume / Market Cap: --/--
Transactions 24h: --/--
24h Low / 24h High: --/--
7d Low / 7d High: --/--
All-Time High: --/--
All-Time Low: --/--
Changes for 24h: 0.00%
Changes for 7d: 0.00%
BitQuery Check: --/--

MeAI (MEAI) Coin data

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Smart Contract Audit

Is MeAI (MEAI) Token on ARBITRUM (ERC-20) Safe?



Address Tokens amount Percent
1 0xf92402bb795fd7cd08fb83839689db79099c8c9c 20,000,000 MEAI 20.00%
2 0xf89d7b9c864f589bbf53a82105107622b35eaa40 20,000,000 MEAI 20.00%
3 0xa656f7d2a93a6f5878aa768f24eb38ec8c827fe2 20,000,000 MEAI 20.00%
4 0x0938c63109801ee4243a487ab84dffa2bba4589e 20,000,000 MEAI 20.00%
5 Burn Address 6,000,000 MEAI 6.00%
6 0x50b07c0b5e4d085e8a5c507f8a822d201d941a41 4,394,717 MEAI 4.39%
7 0x4a256abb2fb86c405c518e2eebf22ce36d77f6e0 3,743,712 MEAI 3.74%
8 0x4306dd705a1481197c9702943e06eb6a125e5cad 3,006,178 MEAI 3.01%
9 0x13d51f469586068b91ac32b971e53b8c24f283da 1,053,120 MEAI 1.05%
10 0xb257ae2d04a5198c0a80385254a6617a5e496031 125,836 MEAI 0.13%
11 0x6451e60e4129ec7984ce0d777eebab0810b30ee9 96,918 MEAI 0.10%
12 0x3a2b7c6c09bf5b17295d813f6cc654d6f6d0037c 63,596 MEAI 0.06%
13 0xc8a70ecd816c09157472e37a3df0506cba28101e 54,957 MEAI 0.05%
14 0xdd58f4a6a7e9ad3d255a9ac0ffb04877c39c7cb9 50,753 MEAI 0.05%
15 0x1d584cd14726d898d346bd234603f2a1e68cded5 47,965 MEAI 0.05%
16 0x896c4e09bf47d5b934fc0a6d396e4cdc4dc82490 47,861 MEAI 0.05%
17 0xa13d6f70d5d46570104caf32f7ad980ea31e5a7d 47,680 MEAI 0.05%
18 0x454af1d4eb8b8574eb3f69d451b6fa80da1c7c55 47,354 MEAI 0.05%
19 0xbccc82cf562a90e8d55a61004c29b3190ad4f967 46,227 MEAI 0.05%
20 0x11b5c3ccefaf520d2979621e5fd91af3e3c93d16 46,052 MEAI 0.05%
21 0x6c2f1433d9b2ecc0d041339c706cfe343f77a532 44,845 MEAI 0.04%
22 0xe41385224ace8a7817a29a27e1a61215f963fed2 42,656 MEAI 0.04%
23 0x08ccb326998c215951bedfd1c90bb86e9293cdbe 41,549 MEAI 0.04%
24 0x97601d32be8b183c2e285eb79653e1da6575e791 39,330 MEAI 0.04%
25 0x4624e510659bb30edd9f4539a9c79dafd571cebc 38,835 MEAI 0.04%
26 0x86eaf04e6f6db4332be49c0aa57634a230e23a0c 38,241 MEAI 0.04%
27 0x13b04225014616f47d0254153e2f12bf2bb86b20 35,508 MEAI 0.04%
28 0x70e81cae52e6ac331998e4502d1ebf3bbaca411f 33,470 MEAI 0.03%
29 0x58b451b8976a18eb297e8b1eb136d82411d33338 32,510 MEAI 0.03%
30 0xbf0e04273538f1ae1cd46d030bee14700dc42d3d 32,242 MEAI 0.03%
31 0x6215315f9b456a4b8a103be51c59b3dca2711dbe 31,667 MEAI 0.03%
32 0x622994bf647386f3b23f62fe0867e855fc38d773 30,796 MEAI 0.03%
33 0xcd0fee4bde16ce5c2ccdfc076e64bfcfacb71b10 28,867 MEAI 0.03%
34 0xa7c53125da337c8f5915ab05dc2ec2f1637eb093 28,145 MEAI 0.03%
35 0x91ddcb868598abd15edc23dfd6cff533e9484e55 23,000 MEAI 0.02%
36 0xa591252b0a51aa2d7ccc5b114736bf737dbcebf8 22,619 MEAI 0.02%
37 0xd0547352f17dc51c176e6e79f4f066416ecb9373 22,606 MEAI 0.02%
38 0xb3431fe01829b754a0053232a29f926bcab40028 21,656 MEAI 0.02%
39 0xbafecba38c7c4cb5207b7f4ebdd9b8dd319f7ebd 20,443 MEAI 0.02%
40 0x0b429c10ecb75d13337ee08579eb2671cfb514c1 19,383 MEAI 0.02%
41 0xb12cc5f3454afdac1bd488356f7bfa4a358566fe 18,578 MEAI 0.02%
42 0x63792c6d390ba6eeba72cc445d3c90d00b1fb910 18,514 MEAI 0.02%
43 0x90c5df989657d052da443462ddc391d95f390f40 17,710 MEAI 0.02%
44 0x48acefab597f0f3b4e6d6572a1d8ca1774b6e3ba 17,266 MEAI 0.02%
45 0x942316dc5a5501470a9993fd91eef9258822b340 17,131 MEAI 0.02%
46 0xa965393e492f7710f349a6751530a9fc1b1e76a2 16,109 MEAI 0.02%
47 0xa0156d1fe60595a927b6aa9b9b1936371a082395 14,458 MEAI 0.01%
48 0x526256a7c2595fd1b35ed6e00a85131171240ad7 13,130 MEAI 0.01%
49 0xca226bd9c754f1283123d32b2a7cf62a722f8ada 12,600 MEAI 0.01%
50 0xccaa3f8e0750c3f37db997e3491d1cb9f8b0053a 12,000 MEAI 0.01%

Listings and exchanges

Exchange Last price Listing date
ParaSwap Ethereum logo  ParaSwap Ethereum -- Jan-19-2025 19:37 GMT
Uniswap (V2) logo  Uniswap (V2) -- Jan-19-2025 19:37 GMT
Uniswap (V3) logo  Uniswap (V3) -- Jan-19-2025 19:37 GMT
Saddle logo  Saddle -- Jan-19-2025 19:37 GMT
Pionex logo  Pionex -- Jan-19-2025 19:37 GMT

Frequently asked questions

A single MeAI (MEAI) coin is currently available for purchase at around (updating).

The best way to purchase MeAI (MEAI) is through exchanges. Currently, 10 exchanges support buying and selling MeAI (MEAI): ParaSwap Ethereum, Uniswap (V2), Uniswap (V3), Saddle, Pionex.

MeAI (MEAI)'s official smart contract address is 0xd231c5012d2979d00aa6e24983c67e74459b3200

The market capitalization on Jan 19, 2025 is (updating).

There is (updating) in 1 MeAI (MEAI) liquidity pool. That's approximately 78.07% of MeAI (MEAI) current Market Cap.

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MeAI (MEAI) price

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Thanks to MyTokenList.Com, you'll always be in the loop with the latest news. First off, you can easily check the current MeAI (MEAI) price, updated in real-time because we know how crucial it is to have the latest info at your fingertips. You can also dive into key metrics like market cap, which reflects the total value of all coins sold, the low/high value that shows the price range across exchanges, and volume, which captures the total daily trading value. With all this data, you'll never have to wonder, "What's MeAI (MEAI) worth?"—we've got it all covered for you!

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