BRJ (BRJ) logo


Contract: 0x3bcBc2231d208d7063B8E8aB370008D925FA2e10

BRJ (BRJ) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Binance Smart Chain Blockchain (BEP-20)

Token Binance Smart Chain BEP-20
Deployed at

Oct-08-2024 17:20

Max Total Supply

10,000,000 BRJ

Circulating Supply

10,000,000 BRJ



Price and Market Stats

BRJ Liquidity: --/--
BRJ Price: --/--
Market Cap: --/--
Trading Volume 24h: --/--
Volume / Market Cap: --/--
Transactions 24h: --/--
24h Low / 24h High: --/--
7d Low / 7d High: --/--
All-Time High: --/--
All-Time Low: --/--
Changes for 24h: 0.00%
Changes for 7d: 0.00%
BitQuery Check: --/--

BRJ (BRJ) Coin data

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What is Binance Smart Chain?

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain platform launched by Binance in September 2020. It operates parallel to Binance Chain, enabling the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). BSC is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing Ethereum-based projects to run on it. The dual-chain architecture facilitates quick and efficient asset transfers between Binance Chain and BSC, enhancing scalability and usability within the Binance ecosystem. Known for low transaction fees and fast processing, BSC has become popular for decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and other blockchain applications.

Smart Contract Audit

Is BRJ (BRJ) Token on Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) Safe?

Transfer Limit

The max/min amount of token transferred can be limited (max could be set to 0).

Medium Risk

Floating Pragma

This contract may not function as expected due to inconsistent solidity compiler versions being specified.

Attention Required

Uninitialized State Variables

This contract's state variables are not all initialized, potentially resulting in lost funds or other exploits.

Attention Required

Uninitialized Local Variables

This contract's local variables are not all initialized, potentially resulting in lost funds or other exploits.

Attention Required

Incorrect Solidity Version

This contract uses an unconventional or very old version of Solidity.

Attention Required

Numeric Notation Best Practices

The numeric notation used in this contract is unconventional, possibly worsening the reading/debugging experience.

Attention Required

No vulnerable withdrawal functions found

No reentrancy risk found

No locks detected

Verified source code found

No mintable risks found

Users can always transfer their tokens

Contract cannot be upgraded

Wallets cannot be blacklisted from transfering the token

No transfer fees found

No ERC20 approval vulnerability found

Contract owner cannot abuse ERC20 approvals

No ERC20 interface errors found

No blocking loops found

No centralized balance controls found

No transfer cooldown times found

No approval restrictions found

No external calls detected

No airdrop-specific code found

No vulnerable ownership functions found

No retrievable ownership found

Contract was not deployed recently

No mixers utilized by contract deployer

No adjustable maximum supply found

No previous scams by owner's wallet found

The contract operates without custom fees, ensuring security and financial integrity

Smart contract's transfer function secure with unchangeable router, no issues, ensuring smooth, secure token transfers

Smart contract safeguarded against native token draining in token transfers/approvals

No instances of native token drainage upon revoking tokens were detected in the contract

Securely hardcoded Uniswap router ensuring protection against router alterations

Contract with minimal revocations, a positive indicator for stable, secure functionality

Contract's initializer protected, enhancing security and preventing unintended issues

Smart contract intact, not self-destructed, ensuring continuity and functionality

Contract's timelock setting aligns with 24 hours or more, enhancing security and reliability

No suspicious activity has been detected

This contract maintains a strict adherence to best practices for price feed usage, ensuring data accuracy and consistency

No unchecked call responses found

No vulnerable self-destruct functions found

No assertion vulnerabilities found

No old solidity code found

No external delegated calls found

No external call dependency found

No vulnerable authentication calls found

No invalid character typos found

No RTL characters found

No dead code found

No risky data allocation found

No uninitialized storage variables found

No vulnerable initialization functions found

No risky data handling found

No number accuracy bug found

No out-of-range number vulnerability found

No map data deletion vulnerabilities found

No tautologies or contradictions found

No faulty true/false values found

No innacurate divisions found

No redundant constructor calls found

No vulnerable transfers found

No vulnerable return values found

No default function responses found

No missing arithmetic events found

No missing access control events found

No missing zero address checks found

No redundant true/false comparisons found

No state variables vulnerable through function calls found

No buggy low-level calls found

No expensive loops found

No missing external function declarations found

No vulnerable payable functions found

No vulnerable message values found


Address Tokens amount Percent
1 0x787eb1326c2ad83fb17bfe516e125abedb61bc12 9,341,503 BRJ 93.42%
2 0x2e405debe3e8ea0a35f82b1d9288f51c26b87966 315,550 BRJ 3.16%
3 0xf4972389159120653e908c0d70cdecf5f2c560f5 267,833 BRJ 2.68%
4 0x3dbf529177dc6441f0c3375dd27d0a2f536f67d6 36,382 BRJ 0.36%
5 0xf7985a16bbffda5c3024e86854f4563cdf2d149c 17,787 BRJ 0.18%
6 0xc6729773222290d53bbf6e4a4225b606a3bb9f18 13,699 BRJ 0.14%
7 0xa9bc2ad2f709a9c4ed38ac39194a44a781998ff1 1,329 BRJ 0.01%
8 0x8f4c3fd4453a42864960bdb22deeaf9f449d1625 1,214 BRJ 0.01%
9 0x9999361c362d8b649bb7110b93c0add616bd0c8a 999 BRJ 0.01%
10 0xc58b5ba619e2d3e5c74786777340382d2a4ec9db 800 BRJ 0.01%
11 0x0cf64c3e20136079e0135954cf5dca70dd57bd98 799 BRJ 0.01%
12 0xaccfbf8ba8b8c935b28d508f5ba2d2c85ed2e51f 708 BRJ 0.01%
13 0xe25c3a6c63477692c4791b00a41ea787ffaff98f 442 BRJ 0.00%
14 0xf1f88771eeec50de3d5bd1255ee042175ae1c0e5 300 BRJ 0.00%
15 0x6d2410211655396d364ba4980ad6347202ca012d 250 BRJ 0.00%
16 0x7cb92eae221742471080439ab5ad20f957c28c6d 200 BRJ 0.00%
17 0xa03f98afa37efce90396bb7831c71ce6070dcba4 100 BRJ 0.00%
18 0x54ed49aa5e1139a2f156451f4ddcf4c139252327 100 BRJ 0.00%

Listings and exchanges

Exchange Last price Listing date
PancakeSwap (v2) logo  PancakeSwap (v2) -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Mdex logo  Mdex -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
BSCswap logo  BSCswap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Anyswap logo  Anyswap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
BSCStation Swap logo  BSCStation Swap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
CheeseSwap logo  CheeseSwap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
O3swap logo  O3swap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Bscex logo  Bscex -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Autofarm logo  Autofarm -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
ApeSwap logo  ApeSwap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
BakerySwap logo  BakerySwap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Biswap logo  Biswap -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
1inch Network on BSC logo  1inch Network on BSC -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
ParaSwap BSC logo  ParaSwap BSC -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT
Pionex logo  Pionex -- Feb-22-2025 07:16 GMT

Frequently asked questions

A single BRJ (BRJ) coin is currently available for purchase at around (updating).

The best way to purchase BRJ (BRJ) is through exchanges. Currently, 10 exchanges support buying and selling BRJ (BRJ): PancakeSwap (v2), Mdex, BSCswap, Anyswap, BSCStation Swap, CheeseSwap, O3swap, Bscex, Autofarm, ApeSwap, BakerySwap, Biswap, 1inch Network on BSC, ParaSwap BSC, Pionex.

BRJ (BRJ)'s official smart contract address is 0x3bcBc2231d208d7063B8E8aB370008D925FA2e10

The market capitalization on Feb 22, 2025 is (updating).

There is (updating) in 1 BRJ (BRJ) liquidity pool. That's approximately 78.07% of BRJ (BRJ) current Market Cap.

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BRJ (BRJ) price

Here’s the latest BRJ (BRJ) price and other essential data about this cryptocurrency. At MyTokenList.Com, we gather and offer valuable content, including the current exchange rate of 1 BRJ (BRJ) to USD, to help you make informed investment decisions and achieve positive results.

Everything You Need to Know About BRJ (BRJ)'s Price and Future Potential

Thanks to MyTokenList.Com, you'll always be in the loop with the latest news. First off, you can easily check the current BRJ (BRJ) price, updated in real-time because we know how crucial it is to have the latest info at your fingertips. You can also dive into key metrics like market cap, which reflects the total value of all coins sold, the low/high value that shows the price range across exchanges, and volume, which captures the total daily trading value. With all this data, you'll never have to wonder, "What's BRJ (BRJ) worth?"—we've got it all covered for you!

If you're into BRJ (BRJ)'s price chart, we've got that too—just pick the timeframe (from a day to the maximum available) and get a complete overview of its price movements over that period. Plus, MyTokenList.Com keeps you updated with the latest news on BRJ (BRJ)'s current rate, potential changes, future forecasts, and growth prospects. With us, you'll stay ahead of the curve in the BRJ (BRJ) market!